• Make Your Voice Heard

    Vote by November 5, 2024

  • Make Your Voice Heard

    Vote by November 5, 2024

View our Endorsements

Save The Bay Action Fund envisions a clean, healthy, and resilient San Francisco Bay for generations to come. For everyone to thrive in a time of rapid climate change, the Bay Area needs to invest in sea level rise and flood protections that incorporate a healthy and restored shoreline, universal access to open space and nature, and cities that are designed with green stormwater infrastructure, high quality transit, and affordable housing. 

This fall, vote to move these strategies forward through ballot measures that are good for our Bay and good for our climate. 

Working for a Better Bay

We must take bold steps to make the Bay Area more resilient, sustainable, and equitable.

In 2016, Save The Bay Action Fund led the effort to pass a first-of-its-kind parcel tax approved by Bay Area voters, that will raise $500 million over 20 years to fund critical Bay wetland restoration and flood protection projects. 

Since then, we have supported initiatives that enable local and regional agencies to repair infrastructure, improve public transit, build affordable housing, and reduce pollution in the Bay. 

Faced with a rapidly changing climate, we remain committed to advancing real solutions at the federal, state, and local levels. 

“Individuals can make a difference. Groups of individuals working together can make an even greater difference. The price of saving the Bay will always be the vigilance of concerned citizens.”